April 17, 2007 Drawings
Does anyone have a 12-foot wide OA sash to hang under the projection screen?
Projection screen is 3-feet from upstage edge of stage.
A front view of the stage with curtains (black plastic).
A front view of the stage with curtains removed.
A top view of the stage with curtains removed.
April 5, 2007 Drawings
A front view of the stage with curtains removed.
A top view of the stage with curtains removed.
April 4, 2007 Drawings
A front view of the stage with curtains removed.
A top view of the stage with curtains removed.
Old drawings
A view of the stage with curtains (black plastic) and possible logo artwork. Lighting instruments are shown. Lights can illuminate the artwork from the ground. The logos could be painted on a sheet of black plastic and taped in place. I drew one off-stage tower with a straight top and one with an angled top. I like the angled top better. The red bird artwork probably can't go as low as shown due to speaker placement. Depending on the rake (angle) of the audience area, the speakers might need to be higher than the top of the stage. The area in front of the speakers will be black fabric instead of black plastic.
A front view of the stage with curtains removed. Video screens are tied between two scaffolding towers. Depending on the rake (angle) of the audience area, the speakers might need to be higher than shown. They might go on the platform above the indicated position.
A top view of the stage with curtains removed. Placing the stairs will be tricky to keep people from walking between the projector and screen.
A closeup of stage left with the curtain removed.
Pictures - Pictures from the 2007 Conclave
Stage page - Diagrams of the stage
Control Tower - Diagrams of the control tower
Trailer page - Stage needs
Scaffolding - Scaffolding needs
Power - Electrical power needs
Equipment - Equipment that Chris is bringing
The Vista - Overview of stage and audience area
Crew pictures from similar Scouting events
Official Occoneechee Lodge web page for SR-7B Conclave
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