Use my triplex cable to run from the campfire arena disconnect to the stage. I think it's 250 feet of cable, and it's only about 150 foot distance. Assuming the stage is where it was the last two times we did something like this.
The triplex will be run through the trees until it gets to the edge of the woods. Then we need poles in the ground to keep the cable in the air all the way to the stage. Last time, the camp safety committee allowed us to run the main cable on the ground since there would be no reason for anyone to be in that area. This committee did not however, allow us to have the cables between the stage and control tower be on the ground. We had to elevate them.
Can we get approval on running this cable on the ground?
What can we do about poles to hold the cable in the air. How many do we need? How far is it from the woods to the stage?
Getting the 12-foot tall (bury 2 or 3 feet of it) 2x4s or 4x4s into the ground will be a big job depending on how many we need.
These could be lighting booms or volleyball goals. I assume my lighting booms will be holding up the snake and projector.
Harold has a panel to put at the end of the triplex. We'll call this the "main panel." It will be on a pole next to the stage.
My power distribution panel will connect to the main panel with a 2-pole 60A breaker.
My NSI DDS9800 dimmer pack will connect to the main panel with a 2-pole 60A breaker. (8 x 2.4 KW, 14,400 total watts, Edison connectors)
The big dimmer can handle 28 PAR cans on at the same time.
The sound power distro could possibly handle 8 PAR cans in addition to the sound and video equipment.
This should give us all the power we need, but we still don't know what you are thinking for a total number of lights.
Stage page - Diagrams of the stage
Control Tower - Diagrams of the control tower
Trailer page - Stage needs
Scaffolding - Scaffolding needs
Power - Electrical power needs
Equipment - Equipment that Chris is bringing
The Vista - Overview of stage and audience area
Crew pictures from similar Scouting events
Official Occoneechee Lodge web page for SR-7B Conclave
(and a couple of giraffes) have seen this page. |
Comments, suggestions, and corrections are welcome. WebGuy @